A Ministry-Appropriate Building

This blog is a resource for members of All Pilgrims Christian Church as we explore alternatives for living into our vision of a ministry-appropriate building on Capitol Hill.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our Vision for a Ministry-Appropriate Building

During our “summer of vision” exercises, we created a series of visionary statements about our future together. One is that we will “live from a ministry appropriate building that represents God’s vision and call.” The small piece of plaster that fell from the ceiling during a recent worship service tells us that it is good and timely to take up this aspect of our vision now.

To that end, the Coordinating Council began this fall to explore options for our building. It is important to stress that the Council does not have a predetermined outcome in mind as to what “ministry appropriate” means. Rather, we have outlined a deliberative process of research and discussion to gather relevant facts about the current building and its possibilities and to come to a decision together as a congregation that fits our resources and our vision.

We have come a long way in our discernment of God’s call for All Pilgrims. We want to continue our faithful discernment of this important issue, and continue to hold each other in tender care as we discuss our future together.

The process we have defined for developing our plans for a ministry appropriate building will take place over the next year. The Council took the first step on that plan by commissioning a series of technical studies that will tell us our options. These studies include structural and seismic, electrical and mechanical assessments (see links to all these studies below). We are working with architect Parie Hines, a member of All Pilgrims, who is volunteering to coordinate these studies and facilitate a process of congregational discussion of needs, goals and desires.

We invite all members and friends of All Pilgrims to attend the first of several planned congregational discussions, January 23rd, following social hour in Stuart Hall. This highly participative discussion will explore needs and interests, and allow members to express priorities for specific building features.

On behalf of the Council, and the Building Vision Task Force, I want to express our excitement to begin this important conversation for the future of our ministry together.

Kathleen Hosfeld
Moderator, All Pilgrims Christian Church

LINKS TO COMPLETED STUDIES (Please click title to go to a download page)

Mechanical Study

Structural Study

Electrical Study

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